Fledge 的碎碎念



万万没想到淘宝对付拼多多的手段是拿出 1688……








Apple 真的应该重新思考 Health 和 Watch 这两个 App 之间的关系了,有些设置一会在 Health 里,一会在 Watch 里,很烦人。




写 iOS 应用真的不是一件容易的事情,我手上这个 App 已经重写了三四版了吧,感觉还是不太行,可能还是自己经验少。


On Friday, Vox reported that employees at tech giant OpenAI who wanted to leave the company were confronted with expansive and highly restrictive exit documents.

很难想象,OpenAI 已经被叫做 Tech Giant 了。


Rest of World:

Jason Liu, a former journalist who runs the popular podcast May I Ask, posted recordings from the protest scene, where people chanted slogans like “Defend democracy.” As a new platform, Liu told Rest of World, Threads is able to amplify the voices of ordinary users. “There is so much misinformation and fake accounts in Taiwan,” he said. “Everyone is looking for something real. Threads is proving to be doing just that.”

我觉得这个话说的就很奇怪,刘致昕作为一个长期关注假新闻和信息操控的记者,居然会给一个由 Facebook 建立,纯粹算法驱动的社交媒体唱赞歌。我完全无法理解这点。

X has never become mainstream in Taiwan. During the last major protest, the 2014 Sunflower Movement, student activists communicated through a mix of Facebook, local forums, and YouTube livestreams, participants told Rest of World. 

But the youth have now found those platforms to be obsolete and too conservative. “It feels like we are starting fresh [on Threads],” Huang Tzu-ning, a 26-year-old education worker, told Rest of World. Huang, who began posting on the day of Taiwan’s presidential election, has been interacting with high school and university students about how to participate in politics. “Facebook no longer has these young groups.” 

这点更加的奇怪,Twitter 上的关于台湾政治的讨论,一直以「倾绿」著称,而且还是深绿,很多还都是「侧翼」的支持者。

记录一下,这个算是从我自己写的 App 上发的第一条碎碎念吧。

记录一个 WordPress 编码的坑

我遇见一个非常奇怪的坑,我有一个 WordPress 的网站,网站的语言设置的是中文,平常用 MarsEdit 或者 WordPress iOS 发布文章。
今天我突然发现所有用 MarsEdit 发布的文章都是正确的 utf-8 编码,然而用官方 app 发布的文章全是 cp1252。但是我检查了数据库的设置,默认使用 utf-8,不知道哪里出错。
最后的解决方案是我手工把受影响的文章转换了编码,感觉是 wordprss 语言是中文的锅,我把语言改成了英文,马上编码格式正确了。

Cabel Sasser:

I tried Copilot, and, credit where credit is due, this is a legendary autocomplete suggestion




用 Anki 的最重要的一点就是必须要自己制卡,不然没有任何意义。

Rest of World:

Many of these older Venezuelans have turned to online gig work — and in particular “clickwork,” a type of cloudwork in which people earn pennies by labeling and annotating data to train AI systems. In 2021, Julian Posada, an assistant professor at Yale University and a member of the law school’s Information Society Project, published data analysis from web traffic aggregator websites, focusing on platforms that crowdsource data work. Posada identified that after the U.S., Venezuela hosts the largest number of data workers in the world.

支撑着这些「高科技」的 AI 行业的人,其实都是来自像委内瑞来这样地方的边缘群体。

The Verge:

Scarlett Johansson says that OpenAI asked her to be the voice behind ChatGPT — but that when she declined, the company went ahead and created a voice that sounded just like her.

一点也不意外,Sam Altman 和 OpenAI 就是会做这种事的公司。

David Owen, The New Yorker:

Nowadays, producing and saving images is so easy that few people bother with paper prints, photo albums, or even cameras. They hold up their phone and click away, hoping to end up with something decent, which they then post on Facebook or Instagram or whatever. But a digital camera roll containing thousands of unsorted, unedited, contextless images is not an intelligible narrative of a life. Turning the pages of a physical book is a different experience from swiping a finger across a screen, and, if you don’t store your memories on paper, you allow your past to be held hostage by a potentially obsolete digital format or by Google’s unpredictable commitment to the cloud.

CC 的全称是 Carbon Copy。

绝了,真的要好好吐槽一下 WordPress 的 iOS 应用,居然莫名其妙的会用 cp1252 编码中文……

Los Angeles Times:

People are increasingly choosing to watch YouTube on their connected TVs rather than on laptops and mobile devices, treating it more and more like a regular television destination.

《Clarkson’s Farm》做的真不错,看起来又有趣,又有温情,还有很多对于人和自然的反思。

The New York Review:

In 2019 its Chief Executive Officer, Dara Khosrowshahi, argued that, like Amazon, it was burning through investor cash to establish market dominance; profits would follow in time. This February it announced its first ever year in the black.

原来 Uber 今年起才开始盈利。



Google 最近给搜索结果的高亮加了一个动画,这个动画有点烦人,时不时就会卡一下……

AttributedString 转换到 NSAttributedString,居然会丢失样式……

重现用 UIKit 实现了一遍 Form 组件,发现有着和 SwiftUI 一样的 Bug,经过一番搜索终于找到了解决方法,只要禁用 delaysContentTouches 就行了。解决方法看这个回答

顺便这个问题好像在 SwiftUI 里是无解的。

虽然 Elon Musk 和 PayPal Mafia 这些年的右翼倾向对于关心的人来说已经不是什么新奇的事了,但是如果不太清楚这方面的例子纽约时报的这篇报道是个很好的梳理。


Long analogy short, this is where I think AI for coding is now. It gets things wrong enough that I have to manually check everything it does and correct it, to the point where I might as well just do it myself in the first place. This might not always be the case, but that’s where I feel it is right now.

和我的感受一样,这也是为什么我不用 AI 代码补全工具。



惊闻 James Simons 过世了,R.I.P。刚刚才把 James Simons 和中文翻译名字联系在一起,这是位传奇的数学家、投资者和慈善家。

Simons 创立的 Simons Foundation 是世界上第二大资助科研的私人基金,也是 Quanta Magazine 这个专注于科学报道杂志的资助者。

另外据小道消息,据说 Simons 每当陈省身过生日的时候就会送他一百万美元。

不懂 UIKit 为什么没有类似 UIFormView 的东西,但是 SwiftUI 里有,没办法只好嵌入个 SwiftUI,不过嵌入的时候突然意识到我现在写的如果用SwiftUI 实现是不是更简单……

不过介于 SwiftUI 的名声,还是算了。





第一次听说 Christian Software 这个说法,好像最有名的例子是 SQLite


居住在新加坡的中国亿万富豪再添一人,中国短视频应用 TikTok 和母公司字节跳动对美国政府发出的诉状曝光,字节跳动创始人张一鸣长住新加坡,同时保留中国公民身份。



We have to make sure that Xi wakes up every single day, looks at himself in the mirror as he’s shaving and says today is not the day.

当一个所谓的「China Watcher」描绘这种非常西方式的场景,我就会想这个人真的看懂了吗?




最近写 Rich Text Editor 和 AttributedString 搏斗的有点烦躁。

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