Fledge 的碎碎念

重现用 UIKit 实现了一遍 Form 组件,发现有着和 SwiftUI 一样的 Bug,经过一番搜索终于找到了解决方法,只要禁用 delaysContentTouches 就行了。解决方法看这个回答

顺便这个问题好像在 SwiftUI 里是无解的。

虽然 Elon Musk 和 PayPal Mafia 这些年的右翼倾向对于关心的人来说已经不是什么新奇的事了,但是如果不太清楚这方面的例子纽约时报的这篇报道是个很好的梳理。


Long analogy short, this is where I think AI for coding is now. It gets things wrong enough that I have to manually check everything it does and correct it, to the point where I might as well just do it myself in the first place. This might not always be the case, but that’s where I feel it is right now.

和我的感受一样,这也是为什么我不用 AI 代码补全工具。



惊闻 James Simons 过世了,R.I.P。刚刚才把 James Simons 和中文翻译名字联系在一起,这是位传奇的数学家、投资者和慈善家。

Simons 创立的 Simons Foundation 是世界上第二大资助科研的私人基金,也是 Quanta Magazine 这个专注于科学报道杂志的资助者。

另外据小道消息,据说 Simons 每当陈省身过生日的时候就会送他一百万美元。

不懂 UIKit 为什么没有类似 UIFormView 的东西,但是 SwiftUI 里有,没办法只好嵌入个 SwiftUI,不过嵌入的时候突然意识到我现在写的如果用SwiftUI 实现是不是更简单……

不过介于 SwiftUI 的名声,还是算了。





第一次听说 Christian Software 这个说法,好像最有名的例子是 SQLite


居住在新加坡的中国亿万富豪再添一人,中国短视频应用 TikTok 和母公司字节跳动对美国政府发出的诉状曝光,字节跳动创始人张一鸣长住新加坡,同时保留中国公民身份。



We have to make sure that Xi wakes up every single day, looks at himself in the mirror as he’s shaving and says today is not the day.

当一个所谓的「China Watcher」描绘这种非常西方式的场景,我就会想这个人真的看懂了吗?




最近写 Rich Text Editor 和 AttributedString 搏斗的有点烦躁。

John Gruber:

TheElec reported last June

 that Sony only had the capacity to manufacture 900,000 OLED panels per year for Vision Pro, which, if true, would cap Vision Pro headset production at 450,000 units. 

The Information reported in August


that this display bottleneck “is one reason why Apple plans to make fewer than half a million Vision Pros in the first year of production”.

Tyler Cowen:

The ties of the dollar to gold had been cut recently as well, as Bretton Woods turned into floating exchange rates. 1970s macro was a strange thing!


坐在车站等车,旁边的人在 Instagram 上看短剧,果然文化出海做得好的都是真正的娱乐产品吗……





看到 DIYGod 正在做一个类似 Reeder 的 Web RSS 阅读器,多一个 RSS 阅读器总是不错的。


Monica Sobchak:

I would go further than this, since history isn’t mere material for ideology, rather it is a tool that can be used to answer fundamental questions about a country’s identity and purpose. History can also both explain and be used to justify actions by a country’s leaders.

这就是为什么人人都应该去读一下 Margaret MacMillan 写的《The Uses and Abuses of History》。

有些歌一定要日式英文口音唱才有感觉,是不是就和《Young For You》一定要用 Gala 乐队那种中式英文唱才有感觉一样。

如果在手机上也有一个类似 MarsEdit 的 Microblog 功能的 App 就好了……

这些 SEO 的插件喜欢乱改网站的 RSS 就很烦……

看到了一个服务能把 RSS 内容直接转发到 Mastodon 上,UI 看起来不错,体验试试。

不太喜欢把 RSS 和「高质量信息」、「提升效率」之类的关键词联系在一起。RSS 应该就是一种普通的工具,你可以用来订阅任何你想看的东西,不要太在意是不是什么所谓的「高质量信息」。越是追求这种,其实越不会有人用。

最近 RSS 订阅的一些小调整

新增了一个叫做 Timeline 的分类,专门用来放一些实时新闻或者更新量大的内容,用来满足想刷刷内容的需求。




这不得不提一本书了,Yuen Yuen Ang 写的《China’s Gilded Age》。


A lot of people don’t know that before Amazon started, there was a company out of Portland, OR called Bookstacks selling books via a telnet interface. In the early days, Bezos was quite worried about their potential to get “there” first (wherever “there” was going to be). It was a fairly cool interface, at least for 1994.


Business Insider:

This, I think, is what explains what people are calling the “vibecession”: the weird state of feeling like we’re in a recession even though all the standard metrics show we’re not. What we’re experiencing is actually a slowdown in white-collar hiring — and white-collar professionals (me and my angsty friends) are the people who shape the public discourse about the economy. “People feel that things are moving in the wrong direction,” says Guy Berger, the director of economic research at the Burning Glass Institute, which analyzes the labor market.


The Verge:

Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019 because it was “very worried” that Google was years ahead in scaling up its AI efforts. An internal email, titled “Thoughts on OpenAI,” between Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott, CEO Satya Nadella, and co-founder Bill Gates reveals some of the high-level discussions around an investment opportunity in the months before Microsoft revealed the partnership.

微软因为害怕 Google 而花大价钱投资 OpenAI,五年后反倒威胁了 Google 的地位,真的有点哭笑不得。

Thomas S. Mullaney 的新书《The Chinese Computer》,内容是中文如何电子化的。但我印象中前几年已经有本类似的书了,叫做《Kingdom of Characters》,不知道这两本内容上有什么区别。

下一个目标大概是要给我这个小小的 Microblog 主题加上 Dark Mode 以及开源吧。







The Verge:

Instagram is making significant changes to how its system recommends content, with a focus on original content and increased distribution for smaller accounts. The slew of changes were announced by the company in a blog post today.

Instagram 现在打开内容全是二手短视频,真的看不下去。




MKBHD 出了 Rabbit R1 的测评,但是我看到一半就看不下去了,已经对 AI 硬件失去的兴趣了,哪怕是 Teenage Engineering 做的。


Is the U.S. becoming more paranoid?:

One well-known contributor to social paranoia is the media we consume. News outlets give more attention to negative than positive events, a strategy that boosts viewership but also presents a misleading worldview. True crime, popularized by bestsellers like Truman Capote’s 1965 novel In Cold Blood and optimized by the current generation of streaming service documentaries about serial killings, kidnappings, and other forms of rare and ultraviolent crime, takes advantage of our morbid curiosity — the irrational urge to obsess over that which makes us uncomfortable and deeply afraid.

这就是为什么我们需要 Explanatory Journalism

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